I liked The Whole Traffic 2 very much, and was happy to see Atmo, Pino
& Wildjamin back again. Talk. Talk starts out with that deep pulsey
bass very much like the tracks in Whole Traffic 2- and continues with a
nice melody and some guy talking to us (the park guide i guess) can't understand
a word though...i bet i'd have to get smashed again to make sense of it.
Altogether very trippy. Then only a wee 4 minutes into the track it changes
with a squirty little acid pulses going around. It goes on for the rest
of the track, evolving here and there, but mostly just shuffling along-
nice and trippy, nice and dubby. Park. I'd kinda call Park an extra slow
trancer hold the beats- well at least until about halfway. I was just thinking
about the title A Day In The Park...it must have been a strange day cause
this track is not particularly bright- it is good, but not without a kind
of dark overtone to it. Mysterious let's say. I found myself wanting this
track to take off and kick in with some serious beats, but it remains very
low key- a nice slow pace. Walk starts out really dark with some OB8 like
rumblings and then drops in the nice flanged beat...trip trip trip...and
then the guy starts talking to us again...what is he saying? Like Park,
Walk is very trancey and spacey. About 11 minutes in the pace picks up
a bit with a solid beat...here is that slow trancer I like so much...very
nice...then wow 14 mintues!...this is getting even better...and then variations
on the same theme til 28. I like this very much, though I fear some people
out there might get bored with it. But if you want to zone out- this is
fine stuff. Very nice.
(review by rdudley)
Simple, thumpy, and pretty. Repetitive as hell but with the decorations
all in the right places and just a wonderful atmosphere that sweeps you
away, especially on the third track which takes up half the CD.
(review by einexile)
The Day in the Park full-length is 3 variations on a similar theme:
Talk, Park, and Walk. All 3 develop into multi-layered songs that start
out kind of minimal, but evolve into pretty complex melodic and rhythmic
workings, as Talk demonstrates. If you like Talk you will almost definitely
like the rest of the full-length. There is a lot of melody weaving throughout,
in that Pino-Wildjamin bordering-on-the-sinister style. Also, the cover
of this sublabel release is nice (a little bonus for those who think packaging
supplements the musical appreciation).
(review by no@h)
taken from 2350.org/reviews - A Day In The Park