"Carmusic for the Ambient-Vehicles
of our days..." Oh yes. The Whole Traffic 2. I have no idea what the
first one is like, but this is a nice release. 4 long tracks starting at
a slow 88 KMH with a nice slow dubby swinging beat. It grooves nicely.
Then pops in a a pulsing tone. Nicer. Then things start go get a bit more
mysterious- especially with a woman giving the usual speech a stewardess
gives before a plane takes off. Neato. 88 KMH picks up a bit more with
some bubbly squirts and a nice beat about halfway into the track. Very
nice. This cd has some really nice bass in it- deep and dubby. Very trancey.
90 KMH...faster and faster we go starting with a melody that continues
in this track and the next. Again, the bass..getting more and more trancey.
130 KMH starts out with some low booming and then into some nice trancey
stuff, clocking in around 130 (surprise!) or so. Heh. Most upbeat thing
I've bought in some time, but this is very nice. I can see myself moving
down the highway to this, speeding right along.
(review by rdudley)
taken from 2350.org/reviews - Whole Traffic 2